The Sunshine Award


The beautiful Erika Kind nominated me for this lovely award. Please go and check out her blog. She is a dear and inspiring friend.

Rules for the award:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
  3. Nominate a few other bloggers.
  4. Write the same amount of questions for the bloggers you nominated.
  5. Notify the bloggers on their blog.
  6. Put the award button on your blog.

I nominate:

Lupey Loops

Passion through Poetry

Inside Charlotte’s Mind

Eclectic Ali

Alphabet Story

Mama Mick Terry

Living for Creativity

Afternoon of Sundries

Here are the questions:

1)    Which decade do you miss the most?

The 60’s. Such a hopeful time.

2)    To which poet do you feel most connected to?

So many! Local poets such as Irina Dimitric-Stojic, Brian Bell and also  Eva Poetex and A Fullness in Brevity amongst many other fine poets.

3)    Your spirit cartoon character/TV show artist?


4)    Your favourite indulgence when in stress?

Bubble bath, red wine, candles and lavender essential oil!

5)    How has your blog helped you the most?

It has given me a platform to speak from my heart, which I am so grateful for. It has also given me many lovely friendships with fellow bloggers.

My Questions are:

  1. What has blogging given you?
  2. What do you do when you are under stress?
  3. What music do you love?
  4. What advice would you give new bloggers?
  5. What artist inspires you?

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