Sunshine Blogging Award Challenge


The wonderful Afternoon of Sundries has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thankyou my darling friend!

Now the rules are simple, I must nominate 10 people, thank my wonderful nominator, and create questions of my own!

Here are the questions asked of me:

  1. If you could channel your soul into a spirit animal, what would it be and why?

A bird. My soul has always been simpatico with these whimsical creatures.

2. Who do you secretly stalk online?

I can honestly say that I don’t follow anyone in secret. I only have interest in those that are in my life as friends.

3.What is your power outfit? The getup you wear to make yourself feel confident!

It would have to be a black or red dress, little heels and colourful jewellery. Oh, and red lipstick. It makes me feel brave!

4. If you could make one wish consequence free, what would it be and why?

To have millions of dollars. I could do so much to help the people I love!

5.What musical instruments are you proficient in, or wish you were proficient in?

I wish I could play the guitar. I think that its easier to learn an instrument when you are a child. I would like to learn how to read music one day!

6.What is your guilty pleasure TV show or movie?

Bewitched, I love Lucy, One Foot in the Grave, 6 Feet Under for TV, and Its a Wonderful Life, Les Mis, Wings of Desire and Far Away, So Close for movies.

7.What is your favourite food?

I love Italian and Indian food.

8.What book is your favourite read and why?

I loved Enid Blyton as a child, and was rather startled as an adult to uncover that she was a miserable and vicious lady! Anything by C.S Lewis, Ruth Parks, Alice Sebold, and many more!

9.What do you do for a living?

I have done many things; worked in health food shops, been in promotion, copywriting, been a published author and speaker. I am finishing off a series of children’s books with my daughter and work for Weekend Notes and Siren Empire.

10.What languages do you speak?

English, and that’s it, I’m afraid! My daughter picks up languages easily so I may ask her to teach me!

I nominate the following:

My Personal Teen Life

The Secret Kingdom

The Chicago Files

Finder’s Keepers

Antonio Westley

Underground Energy

Dianne Gray Author

That’s Another Story

Petals Unfolding

Matt On Not-Wordpress

Here are a list of questions for you!

  1. What is your favourite song?
  2. Favourite Colour?
  3. What is your favourite quote?
  4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  5. Favourite movie?
  6. What brings you happiness?
  7. What  was your favourite age and why?
  8. Favourite season?
  9. Favourite animal?
  10. Favourite Author?

18 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogging Award Challenge

  1. Congratulations, Raphaela!!!! And as for nominating me, I am truly honored. I must tell you that my blog is an award free blog because my Life is so busy taking care of special needs cats and running a home and gardens, plus managing a huge blog, plus all my photography and all that involves (huge by itself), that I had to decide no more awards. Every time I turned around someone was giving me an award. They are just so time consuming and knock me right out of my rhythm that I have developed to balance my Life with. I will make sure the link to this post is on my Award Page so that anyone who goes there will see that you nominated me. I again really thank you from the bottom of my Heart. Love, Amy ❤


  2. Congratulations Raphaela. I enjoyed your answers. I couldn’t belive it either about Enid Blyton as I loved her books too, and she seemed like great fun! I think she was to everyone except her own kids! 🙂


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