Tread Gently when Dealing with a Heart

When I was fourteen, I befriended a cockatoo at the park nearest my home. We had a kinship, and he proved himself a true friend. I would feed him, and he learnt to look forward to my daily visit. I’m not sure as to whether he was a lost pet, or a wild bird. He would let me scratch his neck, putting his head to one side, blissed-out, his eyes closing. One afternoon I went to the park, and he wasn’t there. I looked around, and found my companion laying motionless in the gutter, having been run over. My heart broke, just as it would had it been a human friend. I was soon joined by other teens in the area, and I wiped my eyes. They would probably not understand my sorrow, and I didn’t have the vocabulary to explain it to them. I learnt to hide some hurts within my soul, only allowing their release when it was safe to do so. The teens ate snacks, and chatted in the park, oblivious to the bird laying motionless. I had to disassociate in order to join in with their banter. In the confine of my room, I wept for the bird; my friend.

We have a multitude of rainbow lorikeets in my area, and they entice joy with their play. I came across. one of these little birds laying motionless on the road, having played a game of darting in and out of traffic, and lost. It brought me back to that time at fourteen. I wanted to sit in the middle of the road and weep for this little bird, and for his family, who were probably wondering where on earth he was. Perhaps, they had seen the accident? With a sinking heart, I continued my day. That is what we must do; what we are told we need to do…

I have a couple of magpies in my front yard, which houses a bounteous oak tree. The male suffered a damaged wing, and even so, I would see him foraging for food to feed his chicks. I regularly gave them food and water, and he carried on, despite the pain he must have felt. Happily, he has made a full recovery. If they are on the ground when I exit the house to go out, they clear the path for me, respectfully hopping to the side, and standing still, just watching.

I had an experience this year, where I had to continue on, and could only do so by disassociating. Someone was pressing me for details of my trauma, catching me by surprise and within a work setting. I rattled off the details as though reading a laundry list of pain, hoping it would ease their curiosity. It didn’t, and demands were voiced. “Why didn’t you do this? Why did you do that?” I wanted to scream that I was a child, and was doing my level best to survive. I wanted to tell them that I swam early morning, worked with a physio every day. I saw specialists and had surgeries, and gave statements to the police. I endured a court case and so much more, on top of studying and working when I was able. Where on earth did they imagine I would’ve found the time or energy for the crusade they imagined I should have undertaken? I kept it together until I got home, and then I wept for all the injured birds; all those wild creatures laying on the side of roads. I wept for myself too, with my broken wings. Context and compassion coupled with empathy and the ability to hear all that is unsaid are invaluable qualities. Let people tell their stories in their own time, or not at all.

I was thrown off a ledge, a long time ago, but I don’t live within that building. You can look for me there, but you won’t find me. I am a capable woman, doing her best to muddle through life. I have a cosy little home, a teenager, and whimsical pets. I have a life, far beyond my adolescent dreams. I may have broken wings, but I can still fly. What good does it do, to ask excruciatingly personal questions of someone you’ve just met? To satisfy your own curiosity? Do you know that they didn’t sleep for over a week, after your inquisition? Do you realise you transported them back to that place and time, when they’ve done their utmost to leave it? Telling your history in your own way, and having a safe space to do so, is important. Having questions raised when you aren’t expecting them is horrendous.

I can hear the magpies outside in the oak tree, and my own birds whistling the Adams Family theme song. They once heard a car alarm going off, and I expect I shall hear that sometime this morning also. Within my home, I have photos of my loved ones. I am safe within the rooms. I can weep for little birds who have been felled, and I can sit with sorrow for those with broken wings.

I once wrote in a poem, ‘Do not ask after her hunter; she needs you to remove the rusted arrow piercing her heart.’ Do not ask after the hunter; where he is now, and inquiring why he did what he did. How the hell should I know? Acts of violence can’t be understood. The hunter doesn’t matter anymore than the vehicle, who wounded a bird and left it for dead. All that matters is the overcoming. Taking care of the flock that’s left, and nursing those with broken wings back to health.

Be cautious with a person’s history, for their heart is pulsing underneath their story.

The Mystery Blogger Award

untitled“Mystery Blogger Award”is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts.  Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates.  They are one of the best out there and they deserve every recognition they get.  This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging and they do it with so much love and passion. – Okoto Enigma

The wondrous Erika Kind nominated me for The Mystery Blogger Award. Thankyou so much, precious!

Display the award logo on your blog. √

  • List the Rules. √
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. √
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. √
  • Tell your readers three things about yourself. √
  • Answer five questions from the nominee. √
  • Nominate anywhere from ten to twenty bloggers. √
  • Notify the bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog. √
  • Ask your nominees any five questions of your choice, including one weird or funny question. √
  • Share the link to your best post. √

Here is a link to what I consider, one of my best posts.

Three Things About Myself

  1. I have named all my scars, and am proud of the battles I have endured and won.
  2. I have been a vegetarian since I was a child, and have had no desire to eat meat or fish.
  3. I love vegetarian pizzas with jalapeno peppers and pineapple!

Here are Erika’s questions:

  1. Would you overcome a phobia for saving a stranger from a dangerous situation? In a heartbeat, even if I had to crash-tackle a baddie!
  2. If a neighbor was a hoarder and lived in unsafe and unhealthy conditions, would you ignore it or take action?  If you did, what would it be? I would try to befriend them, as loneliness is often behind hoarding. I would gently bring up their hoarding behaviours, and help them sort through it, if they would let me.
  3. If you could go back in time and change one day in your life, which day would it be and why? I don’t know if I would, as those days have led me here, and I like who I am, and what I have learnt. Mind you, I could have done without my back being shattered!
  4. What is your favorite word? I have a few! I love luminescent, lambent light, undulating, lyrical and whimsy.
  5. The weird question:  If you knew you could get away with it, would you rob a bank? No, because I would know I had done it, and it would be too big a burden!

I nominate all the lovely bloggers here to take part, if you would like to!

My questions are:

  1. What is your favourite place, and why?
  2. What would you do if you had unlimited money?
  3. What is your dearest wish for the future?
  4. What would you be famous for?
  5. What perfume or aroma do you love most?


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The amazing Dear Kitty has nominated me for the Real Neat Blog Award. Please check out her thought-provoking content!

The ‘rules’ of the Real Neat Blog Award are: (feel free not to act upon them if you don’t have time; or don’t accept awards; etc.):

1. Put the award logo on your blog.

2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

My seven questions are:

1. Where do most visits to your blog come from?  The USA, Australia, Spain and the UK today!

2. What is your favourite sport? I am not much into sport!

3. What has been a special moment for you so far in 2015? So many! Going away for a friend’s 40th was special, as were the friendship’s made at a home schooling camp. Seeing love in action has made my heart glad.

4. What is your favourite quote? ‘Do not be sad that you have suffered…be glad that you have lived.’

5. What was your favourite class when still at school? English and Art (when I started Correspondence School after my back was broken). The Corro School believed in me and it showed!

6. Anything you had wished to have learned earlier? How to be assertive. How to say no and not give all of myself away.


My fellow home schooler, A Momma’s View has nominated me for the Liebster Award. Thankyou my friend! If you haven’t checked out her blog, you have been missing out on some wondrous content.

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My questions to you are:

  1. What was the last concert you’ve been to? I saw a lot of theatre this year, more than concerts.
  2. Your favorite song? Too many to list, but included has to be anything by Sia, John Lennon and ‘Candy’ by Iggy Pop and Kate Pierson. Actually, most songs by Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Marianne Faithful and Cream.
  3. What annoys you the most? Don’t get me started! Greed, arrogance, narcissism, gossip, and selfishness in general.
  4. Your favorite food? I love vegetarian food, which is why I am one!
  5. What freaks you out? Heights.
  6. Fashion or sport? Fashion, darling! It has to be your own individual style though.
  7. What can you hardly say no to (or whom)? My daughter, birds and guinea pigs!
  8. Sweet or sour or both? I am more a savoury girl.
  9. Red, white or bubbly? I prefer a good hearty red.
  10. Would you rather be the superhero or the sidekick? Superhero!
  11. What kind of superpower would you like to have? To make people behave decently!

I nominate the following:

Confessions of a Broccoli Addict


Honey Quill

Albinssons Foto

Ordinary Adventures

Lovely Wounded Lady

Nicodemas Plus Three

Inside Charlotte’s Mind

Listful Thinking

Eat 2 Health

The Dreamery


O at the Edges

dream big often

Learn to Love Food

In Depth

Telling the Truth

Holes in my Socks

Homemade with Mess

La Whimsy Writer

My Questions:

  1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  2. Favourite colour?
  3. What are you reading at the moment?
  4. What is your favourite animal?
  5. What do you dream about?
  6. What makes you laugh?
  7. Do you prefer silence or music?
  8. If you had nothing stopping you, what would you do?
  9. If you could talk to somebody who has passed away, who would it be?
  10. What would you say?



Liebster Award


Dear Lily June has nominated me for this wonderful award! I am so thankful, my friend. Thankyou!

Here are the Rules:

  • Make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated me and include the Liebster Award sticker in the post. [Check! See above!]
  • Nominate 5-10 other bloggers and notify them of this in one of their posts. [See below!]
  • All nominated bloggers are to have less than 200 followers. [Oops! I have no clue. Oh ye, gods of the Liebster, forgive me and be merciful.]
  • Answer the 11 questions posed by your nominator, and create 11 different questions for your nominees to answer. Or, you can repeat the same questions. [I’ve got my own, thanks.]
  • Copy these rules into your post. [Done and done.]

I have no idea how many followers I have, as I don’t follow the stats. I am just very grateful for you all!

Here are the Questions asked of me:

  1. Have you ever experienced deja vu before? If so, when? I have had many experiences with deja vu. When I am going into the city, meeting strangers and also when my senses are heightened, I get the distinct feeling that I have done it all before.
  2. Do you believe deja vu comes from premonitions into the future or recollections of a false past? If you look into quantum physics, our time-line continuum doesn’t exist anywhere else. It is quite fascinating that you may be sensing people who lived a century ago and they may be thinking of those who come after them at the very same time.
  3. What’s one day or moment in your past you wish you could relive over and over again (in the style of the film Groundhog Day)? The day my I found out I was pregnant and the day she was born.
  4. What’s one day or moment in your past you’re glad you only had to live through once? So many! The day of my fall, the many spinal surgeries, etc. Sadly, I still have nightmares and flashbacks on occasion.
  5. What’s one thing you never get to do, but wish you could? I haven’t been able to skate, ride a bike or horse since my spine was broken, and really wish I could do those sort of things with my daughter.
  6. If you were to have one thought every year on your birthday, what would it be? ‘I am incredibly blessed.’
  7. If there were a day every decade you could indulge in any vice, habit or hobby with no consequence, what would you choose? (Caveat: You can only indulge in it one day every decade, but as much as you want that whole day.) Probably try my luck with a flutter! In everyday life the consequences of gambling aren’t worth it.
  8. What’s the best part of growing up/getting older? Feeling comfortable with who you are, and not accepting any nonsense.
  9. What’s the worst part of growing up/getting older? I have to work hard to keep my bones strong. I definitely feel more pain due to prior injuries.
  10. If you were forced to stay one age forever (a la Kirsten Dunst in Interview with a Vampire), what age would you choose? The age I am now.

Here are my nominations:

An Ordinary Miracle Day

Van by the River

Never Less than Everything

Musings of an Old Fart


Diana’s Adventures

Skinny and Single


Tessa can do it

Gabriel to Earth

Lovely Wounded Lady


Your Questions:

1. Describe what a perfect day would look like to you.

2. What is your favourite animal and why?

3. Favourite piece of music?

4. Favourite film?

5. What is your favourite beverage?

6. What is your favourite colour?

7. Tell me about your blog; when you started it and why.

8. Do you like driving?

9. Which season do you prefer?

10. What is your favourite meal?

11. What is the motto you live by?

Sunshine Blogging Award Challenge


The wonderful Afternoon of Sundries has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thankyou my darling friend!

Now the rules are simple, I must nominate 10 people, thank my wonderful nominator, and create questions of my own!

Here are the questions asked of me:

  1. If you could channel your soul into a spirit animal, what would it be and why?

A bird. My soul has always been simpatico with these whimsical creatures.

2. Who do you secretly stalk online?

I can honestly say that I don’t follow anyone in secret. I only have interest in those that are in my life as friends.

3.What is your power outfit? The getup you wear to make yourself feel confident!

It would have to be a black or red dress, little heels and colourful jewellery. Oh, and red lipstick. It makes me feel brave!

4. If you could make one wish consequence free, what would it be and why?

To have millions of dollars. I could do so much to help the people I love!

5.What musical instruments are you proficient in, or wish you were proficient in?

I wish I could play the guitar. I think that its easier to learn an instrument when you are a child. I would like to learn how to read music one day!

6.What is your guilty pleasure TV show or movie?

Bewitched, I love Lucy, One Foot in the Grave, 6 Feet Under for TV, and Its a Wonderful Life, Les Mis, Wings of Desire and Far Away, So Close for movies.

7.What is your favourite food?

I love Italian and Indian food.

8.What book is your favourite read and why?

I loved Enid Blyton as a child, and was rather startled as an adult to uncover that she was a miserable and vicious lady! Anything by C.S Lewis, Ruth Parks, Alice Sebold, and many more!

9.What do you do for a living?

I have done many things; worked in health food shops, been in promotion, copywriting, been a published author and speaker. I am finishing off a series of children’s books with my daughter and work for Weekend Notes and Siren Empire.

10.What languages do you speak?

English, and that’s it, I’m afraid! My daughter picks up languages easily so I may ask her to teach me!

I nominate the following:

My Personal Teen Life

The Secret Kingdom

The Chicago Files

Finder’s Keepers

Antonio Westley

Underground Energy

Dianne Gray Author

That’s Another Story

Petals Unfolding

Matt On Not-Wordpress

Here are a list of questions for you!

  1. What is your favourite song?
  2. Favourite Colour?
  3. What is your favourite quote?
  4. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  5. Favourite movie?
  6. What brings you happiness?
  7. What  was your favourite age and why?
  8. Favourite season?
  9. Favourite animal?
  10. Favourite Author?